Word travels fast when the IcedGems truck pulls up out front here in Baltimore. Sometimes we get an email, other times a co-worker comes up with a clear plastic container of the colorfully decorated desserts. And on days like today, you come back from lunch to find a cupcake personally delivered from a co-worker who feels the need to spread the sugar-love. I was trying to be good but I gave in… and figured I’d write up a review of IcedGems while I was at it.

At first glance, I like this cupcake. It’s hard to produce a perfectly baked cupcake with perfectly round edges. This one looks like it is having an off day and so am I so I’m liking it already. Looking at the website, I assume this flavor is:
Vanilla Vanilla – So good they named it twice! A luscious vanilla cake topped with buttercream flavored with pure Madagascar Bourbon vanilla.

… but after one bite, the glory ended. While the cake had a nice, home baked flavor, it was a little dry. The icing was rock solid. May I remind you that it is hot outside and a butter or even shortening based frosting would soften up in anything higher than 35F (aka not in the fridge)?
Rock solid icing tells me two things… 1) 90% of it is pure powdered sugar 2) it is going to be really really sweet.

APPEARANCE: Like I said – I liked the cupcake from the start because it wasn’t perfect.
CAKE: Good taste – a little dry. I can taste the butter and milk. Not bad.
FROSTING: Ick – too sweet. It reminds me of the Wilton Decorating Class recipe with Crisco and tons of powdered sugar and water. I like REAL buttercream.
OVERALL: Meh – I won’t feel so tempted the next time that truck is sitting outfront. Sorry IcedGems.
I give this IcedGems Cupcake:

Two cakes. I’m jealous that I don’t get to ride around in a truck and sell my cupcakes, but I wouldn’t want to sell these. They’d be okay if I had a TERRIBLE cupcake craving, but I’d otherwise pass.